Even sneak attack damage is doubled! Even bows deal double damage. You also start with the Berserker Rage power, which when active makes your Orc take half damage and deal double damage. First, all Orc Strongholds are available to you from the beginning of the game - so you can go straight to Gloombound Mine and collect all the Ebony Ore you’ll ever need. If you’ve never experienced the Orc lifestyle, you just have to give it a try. The Orc probably isn’t your first choice when it comes to playable species in Skyrim, but they’re absolutely worth a second look. For more information on alchemy in Skyrim, the wiki has a great article. There are endless potions can can make to abuse the system and make yourself infinitely powerful. If you want to make money, mix Salmon Roe + Nordic Barnacles + Garlic to create an incredibly valuable potion. Fish are important for almost every powerful poison recipe - and the Greenhouse lets you grow anything infinitely. To become a real alchemy fiend, acquire Windstad Manor for the Greenhouse and the Fishery. Its a great way to win.īecome a green thumb with the Hearthfire DLC, allowing you to grow your own ingredients at home - and making some of the best alchemy recipes so much easier to make. Throwing goofy ragdolls around isn’t just fun. The fall damage will rip them apart, and most bosses are stuck in high-ceiling arenas. Instead of launching them at a wall, try launching enemies directly into the sky. Vampiric Grip allows you to force-choke an enemy, holding them mid-air then launching them. This becomes available once you level up to the second perk tier for Vampire Lords.

To really get OP, you need to get creative - and that creativity comes in the form of the hilariously broken Vampiric Grip power. The Vampire Lord powers available in the Dawnguard expansion aren’t that impressive in the late-game. Requirements: Vampire Lord Form, Vampiric Grip.You can easily grind to Conjuration 90 at the very start of the game by casting Soul Trap on your horse for an hour, or by attacking any of your own raised dead creatures. Most players probably don’t mess with Conjuration Spells for long, but if you reach Conjuration 90, you’ll unlock a special quest in the College of Winterhold to become a Conjuration Master - and the reward is these permanent monster summon spells. These companions stick with you always, and you can always simply resummon them after they die. While we’re talking about Conjuration, here’s a cool build to give yourself a powerful army of creatures to permanently protect you from any enemies.