To reacquire all the German words you have learned before but can’t remember now, you could do the following: Knowing vocabulary will help you immensely with conversing in a language and German is no exception. Don’t be afraid to find new ways to learn. Mark your new beginning with a shiny notebook or a new Evernote entry for your comments in German. I found that a mix of grammar exercises, easy reading, watching and listening has best helped my students dig out their long lost German. You want to find some new and old ways to practise your German. Now it’s time to get a little more serious about reconnecting with your old friend. Once you’re hooked up again and have realised how much you’ve lost, cried about (but forgiven yourself) and maybe even skimmed over old exercises, you probably have an idea of where you stand and how much knowledge you have retained. It doesn’t matter what you read, watch or listen to, just prime your brain for what’s coming up and enjoy the adrenaline shooting through your body when everything gets rewired in your mind. You could do that by just reading a (simple text) in German, by listening to a song in German, by watching a movie in German or by listening to German podcasts (links further down).ĭon’t think about it too much, just surround yourself with German. Dare you it's bad.Short for ‘Gehen wir es an!’ meaning ‘Let’s get crackin’ I am going to check your work out in this one dude. Where Shrek worked good this one will fail. How come that Oliver Petzokat got to dub Lou (Tobey Maguire) in Cats & Dogs? As I heard the german dubbing for this film in a Trailer before Shrek I got kinda angry that they seemed to have ruined this assumedly great movie. They sing, rap, dub films.Talking about dubbing films.

Unfortunately the about 25 minutes a day we get tortured by them are not enough. Also acting would be the wrong term here as what they (I won't use the term actor as well) do is nothing more then getting up early, memorizing a couple of lines, saying them stoically in front of the camera and complaining about getting home late when in fact their work can be done in 3 hours.

If there is some plan written behind this crap it's not worth calling it a teleplay. I can't talk about teleplays as there can't be one. I don't even know how to describe how bad it is. That's the cross every film fan has to bare I guess. Everybody hates it but yet it has very good television ratings.